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Penjelasan Narrative Text Beserta Contohnya Dalam Bahasa Inggris Secara Lengkap - Kita pasti sudah sering membaca beberapa teks untuk menambah informasi atau pelajaran yang bisa kita ambil. Ketika kita belajar bahasa inggris tentang reading (membaca) pasti guru akan memberikan beberapa teks bacaan. Dalam bahasa inggris terdapat beberapa teks bacaan salah satunya narrative text.

Narrative text adalah teks yang menceritakan suatu cerita yang alur ceritanya secara runtut atau kronologinya saling berhubungan seperti ada awalan, pertengahan, dan akhiran. Sehingga narrative text memiliki alur cerita secara urut. Tujuan dari narrative text adalah untuk menghibur pembaca dengan sebuah cerita yang memiliki peristiwa yang terdapat konflik (masalah) dan solusi (penyelesaiannya). Selain itu di akhir cerita bisa diakhiri dengan happy ending (akhir yang bahagia) atau sad ending (akhir yang sedih).

Ketika kita belajar bahasa inggris cerita narrative text yang sering disajikan yaitu berbentuk cerita fiksi seperti legenda atau dongeng. Namun jenis cerita narrative text tidak hanya legenda atau dongeng. Berikut ini beberapa Jenis cerita narrative text,

1. Fairy tale (Dongeng ) adalah menceritakan sebuah cerita khayalan atau cerita yang benar-benar tidak terjadi seperti contoh Pinokio (Pinocchio).

2. Mystery (Misteri) adalah sebuah cerita yang dikaitkan dengan kejadian horor atau supranatural. Namun suatu kejadiannya yang belum diketahui kebenarannya seperti contoh Hilangnya Kapal dan Pesawat Di Wilayah Segitiga Bermuda.

3. Science fiction (Fiksi ilmiah) adalah suatu cerita yang menceritakan tentang pengaruh dan perkembangan teknologi. Namun cerita ini hasil dari yang diimajinasikan oleh masyarakat dan para individual seperti contoh Tom Swift and His Electric Rifle.

4. Romance (Percintaan) adalah suatu cerita yang menceritakan tentang aswara atau cinta sepasang kekasih seperti contoh Romeo dan Juliet (Romeo and Juliet).

5. Horror (horor/mengerikan) adalah sebuah cerita yang dikaitkan dengan hantu atau sesuatu yang hanya bisa dilihat oleh beberapa orang saja seperti contoh sekolah berhantu (haunted school).

6. Fable (Fabel) adalah sebuah cerita yang menceritakan tentang suatu kehidupan hewan yang dapat berperilaku seperti manusia seperti contoh Kancil dan Buaya (Mouse Deer and Crocodiles), Semut dan Belalang (Ants and Grasshopper).

7. Myth and legend (Mitos dan legenda) adalah suatu cerita yang dipercayai oleh beberapa masyarakat setempat atau kejadian yang berlatar belakang masa lalu seperti contoh Danau Toba.

8. History adalah sebuah cerita yang menceritakan tentang peristiwa yang terjadi dimasa lalu dan memiliki nilai sejarah seperti contoh Stunami Aceh.

Adapun Generic Structure (struktur teks) pada narrative text sebagai berikut,

1. Orientation adalah pendahuluan yang menceritakan pengenalan karakter dan tempat serta waktu kejadian.

2. Complication adalah menceritakan awal munculnya permasalahaan pada cerita.

3. Resolution adalah menceritakan tentang solusi atau penyelesaian masalah yang terjadi pada cerita.

4. Re-orientation adalah penutup atau akhir cerita. Namun ini berupa optional atau tidak semua narrative text terdapat pernyataan penutup.

BacaBeberapa Contoh Announcement Text Secara Singkat Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Artinya

Supaya lebih memahami berikut ini contoh narrative text dan penjelasannya.

Malin Kundang

A long time ago in a fisherman's village, Air Manis Beach in Padang, West Sumatra. There lived a widow, she named Mande Rubayah with her son, Malin Kundang. Mande Rubayah loved and spoiled Malin Kundang. Malin is a diligent and obedient child. Mande Rubayah is old, she is only able to work as a cake seller to needs of herself and her child.

Now, Malin is an adult. He asked permission from his mother to go to the city because at the same time there was a large ship at Air Manis beach. Although with a heavy heart, Mande Rubayah finally allowed her child to leave. Then Malin was provided with seven packs of banana leaf-wrapped rice. Some time later if a ship came, she always asked about her son's news. One day Mande Rubayah got news from the skipper who had brought Malin. He gave happy news to Mande Rubayah. If Malin had married a beautiful girl, the daughter of a very wealthy nobleman. Mande Rubayah was very happy to hear that, she always prayed that her child would be safe and immediately returned to visit her.

One sunny day from far away looked a magnificent and beautiful ship sailing towards the beach. Villagers assemled, they thought the ship belonged to a sultan or a prince. They welcomed him happily. When the ship in the beach, a pair of young people were seen standing on the bridge. Their clothes shimmered in the sun. Their faces were brightly with smiles because they were happily greeted with fanfare. Mande Rubayah also crowded towards the ship. Her heart pounded when she saw the young man on board. She very sure that the young man is her son, Malin Kundang. Before the village elders had responded, Malin’s mother came to Malin first. She immediately hugged her tightly. She was afraid of losing her child again. Malin was surprised because he was hugged by an old woman in tattered clothes. He could not believe that the woman was his mother. But he did not admit that the woman was his mother. Mande Rubayah does not believe in her son's behavior. The old woman was lying on the sand, crying, and hurt.

When he realized in Air Manis Beach was already quiet. She saw the ship Malin already far away. She did not think that Malin, who was loved before, could do such a thing. Her heart is hurt, then she raised her hand to the sky. She then prayed with a sad heart, "Yes, Lord, if indeed he is not my son, I forgive his actions earlier. But if he is indeed my son named Malin Kundang, I ask for your justice, O Lord!" he said miserably while crying. After that, the weather in the middle of the sea that was once sunny, suddenly turned dark. The rain suddenly fell very dense. Suddenly a big storm came, hitting Malin Kundang's ship. At that moment the ship was smashed to pieces. Then the waves carried to the beach.

Narrative text diatas adalah tentang Malin Kundang yang durhaka kepada ibunya. Jika dibagi sesuai Generic Structure (structur teks) dari narrative text diatas sebagai berikut,

1. Orientation

A long time ago in a fisherman's village, Air Manis Beach in Padang, West Sumatra. There lived a widow, she named Mande Rubayah with her son, Malin Kundang. Mande Rubayah loved and spoiled Malin Kundang. Malin is a diligent and obedient child. Mande Rubayah is old, she is only able to work as a cake seller to needs of herself and her child.

Penjelasan: Pada paragraf ini termasuk bagian Orientation karena menceritakan karakter. Serta menyebutkan waktu dan tempat kejadiannya. Karakter pada cerita ini adalah Malin Kundang dan Mande Rubayah (ibu Malin). Sedangkan waktu dan tempat kejadiannya adalah zaman dahulu di sebuah perkampungan nelayan Pantai Air Manis di daerah Padang, Sumatera Barat.

2. Complication

Now, Malin is an adult. He asked permission from his mother to go to the city because at the same time there was a large ship at Air Manis beach. Although with a heavy heart, Mande Rubayah finally allowed her child to leave. Then Malin was provided with seven packs of banana leaf-wrapped rice. Some time later if a ship came, she always asked about her son's news. One day Mande Rubayah got news from the skipper who had brought Malin. He gave happy news to Mande Rubayah. If Malin had married a beautiful girl, the daughter of a very wealthy nobleman. Mande Rubayah was very happy to hear that, she always prayed that her child would be safe and immediately returned to visit her.

Penjelasan: Pada paragraf ini termasuk bagian Complication karena munculnya permasalahan pada cerita di paragraf ini. Permasalahan di paragraf atau cerita ini adalah Malin tidak pernah pulang kerumah hingga ibunya semakin tua.

3. Resolution

One sunny day from far away looked a magnificent and beautiful ship sailing towards the beach. Villagers assemled, they thought the ship belonged to a sultan or a prince. They welcomed him happily. When the ship in the beach, a pair of young people were seen standing on the bridge. Their clothes shimmered in the sun. Their faces were brightly with smiles because they were happily greeted with fanfare. Mande Rubayah also crowded towards the ship. Her heart pounded when she saw the young man on board. She very sure that the young man is her son, Malin Kundang. Before the village elders had responded, Malin’s mother came to Malin first. She immediately hugged her tightly. She was afraid of losing her child again. Malin was surprised because he was hugged by an old woman in tattered clothes. He could not believe that the woman was his mother. But he did not admit that the woman was his mother. Mande Rubayah does not believe in her son's behavior. The old woman was lying on the sand, crying, and hurt.

Penjelasan: Pada paragraf ini termasuk bagian Resolution karena munculnya solusi atau penyelesaian masalah pada cerita di paragraf ini. Penyelesaian masalah di paragraf atau cerita ini adalah Malin pulang dengan istrinya. Ketika Mande Rubayah langsung memeluk Malin. Namun Malin tidak mengakui jika Mande Rubayah adalah ibunya.

4. Re-orientation

When he realized in Air Manis Beach was already quiet. She saw the ship Malin already far away. She did not think that Malin, who was loved before, could do such a thing. Her heart is hurt, then she raised her hand to the sky. She then prayed with a sad heart, "Yes, Lord, if indeed he is not my son, I forgive his actions earlier. But if he is indeed my son named Malin Kundang, I ask for your justice, O Lord!" he said miserably while crying. After that, the weather in the middle of the sea that was once sunny, suddenly turned dark. The rain suddenly fell very dense. Suddenly a big storm came, hitting Malin Kundang's ship. At that moment the ship was smashed to pieces. Then the waves carried to the beach.

Penjelasan: Pada paragraf ini termasuk bagian Re-orientation karena pada cerita di paragraf ini adalah penutup atau akhir cerita. Akhir cerita di paragraf atau cerita ini adalah Mande Rubayah sedih lalu dia berdoa meminta keadilan. Lalu tiba-tiba langit berubah menjadi gelap dan datanglah badai besar yang menghantam kapal Malin Kundang.

Nah itulah pembahasan tentang narrative text beserta contohnya secara lengkap. Semoga bermanfaat.